Grapes Crop Management and Diagnosis

Disease management

Powdery mildew



Downy Mildew :  Caused by Plasmopara viticola


    Humid cool weather with frequent intermittent rain/dew favours the development of this disease and it is most common during July-December. The typical symptom is white growth in patches on the lower surface of the leaf and corresponding upper surface has yellow patches.

 •    The yellow patch dries up and the leaves drop.

 •    In severe cases, flowers, young canes and fruits are also affected. Flowers wither and drop. Young fruits turn water soaked, dull green, leathery and drop.


control measures

spraying 1% Bordeaux mixture immediately after both the pruning, 0.4% Copper oxychloride or 0.2% Mancozeb or Chlorothalonil at 6 to 7 days interval during July-August and 3 to 4 days intervals during November-December is suggested.

Systemic fungicides like Metalaxyls, fosetyl and dimithomorph at 10-15 days intervals is also recommended. It is suggested to use different fungicides in combination rather than using same chemicals to avoid development of fungicide resistance in downy mildew causing pathogens